
Corporate Philosophy


For our customers, we support their disclosure of information in multiple languages as a partner that can always be relied on.

For society, we contribute to the sound development of society as professionals in multilingual disclosure.

For our employees, we strive to be a company where our employees can work with hope for the future in a sound work environment.

Our Values and Code of Conduct

For our customers

To provide a service that can help our customers achieve what they truly need, we uphold strict security and provide optimal solutions through close communication with our customers.

To achieve this, we . . .

Actively strive to gain advanced knowledge and introduce useful technologies.

Create accurate deliverables based on appropriate rules and standards to provide customer satisfaction.

Utilize our capabilities fully and work with utmost sincerity to gain our customers’ trust.

For society

Through our work, we contribute to achieving stable and sustainable growth of the business community and the local society, as well as improvement of the global environment.

To achieve this, we . . .

Act as responsible professionals with a compliance mindset, and promote sound growth in the business community.

Contribute to stable employment and return profits to the community as a local corporate citizen.

Think globally and grapple with problems concerning the environment and human dignity, beginning with what is pragmatically possible.

For our employees

We aim to make a work environment in which all employees, working together, can perform their work with professional pride while enjoying health and happiness.

To achieve this, we . . .

Advance opportunities fairly for learning and growth for all employees.

Create a workplace where everyone mutually respects and helps one another, and where there are opportunities to freely put forward proposals and voice opinions.

Encourage various working styles, aiming for a fair and flexible organization.

President's Message

Zaihon will earn absolute trust as your partner for all English corporate documentation needs.

We assist listed companies disclose their information in English

Although we describe ourselves as a translation company, ZAIHON, INC. differs from general translation companies in that it operates in a considerably specialized market. Firstly, our customers are predominantly listed companies and, secondly, our specialty is the Japanese to English translation of disclosure information released by companies. ZAIHON is a fully owned subsidiary of PRONEXUS INC., a long-standing expert in the production of mandatory disclosure material. ZAIHON is committed to assisting listed companies with their information disclosure in English.

We reflect the customer's corporate culture and preferences

The types of documentation that our work mainly consists of, such as financial reports, adhere mostly to a set pattern and the content and structure of such documents vary little between companies. Whenever possible, however, we adopt the terminology that the customer uses in their business operations, which means it is necessary to maintain consistency with the customer's other disclosure documents and previously disclosed information. We carefully peruse a wide range of resources and, upon familiarizing ourselves with these resources, we assist the customer with their English information disclosure in a way that reflects the customer's style.

We place key importance on communication

At ZAIHON, we place utmost importance on our ability to communicate. Communication is key to not only our ability to translate, but also our power of analysis, research capabilities and ability to identify the needs of the customer. Our work is not simply a matter of receiving the original Japanese documents and translating them into English. Whenever possible we meet with the customer to discuss the work before commencement and proceed with the translation workflow. During the production stage, we endeavor to develop a strong communication relationship with the customer, asking questions and making suggestions. In addition, due to the nature of this work, the customer entrusts us with confidential undisclosed information. We receive, transfer, store and manage this information with the greatest circumspection, such as by using highly secure networks managed by General Solutions and Pronexus.

We seek to maximize synergy to raise customer satisfaction

The need for timely English translation of disclosure information is rapidly increasing as the shareholding ratio of foreign investors increases in listed companies. We are always striving to maximize customer satisfaction by quickly, accurately and efficiently producing English documentation with minimum hassle for the people responsible on the customer's side.

Corporate Data

Company Name ZAIHON, INC.
Representative Satoko Matsumoto, President and Representative Director
Capital 80,000,000 yen
Established December 20, 2006
Shareholder PRONEXUS INC. 100%
Corporate Officers
Chairman and Representative Director
Takeshi Ueno (President and Representative Director, PRONEXUS INC.)
President and Representative Director
Satoko Matsumoto
Tsutomu Tada (Managing Executive Officer, PRONEXUS INC.)
Tetsuya Sakai (Executive Officer, PRONEXUS INC.)
Hiroyuki Ono (Managing Executive Officer, PRONEXUS INC.)
Michikazu Obokata (Executive Officer, PRONEXUS INC.)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member 
Akane Sase (Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member, PRONEXUS INC.)
Address 2nd Floor, Sumitomo Hamamatsu-cho Building
1-18-16 Hamamatsu-cho,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0013 Japan
TEL: 03-5408-9515
FAX: 03-5408-9701